Homebirth is the root of midwifery care and is always an option for our clients. All of our equipment is mobile, including the waterbirth pool. Giving birth at home represents the best of both worlds: the warmth, comfort and privacy of home, with the security and safety of a highly-skilled midwife and assistant, providing optimal care. Through inclusive prenatal care and close monitoring of the laboring woman, we maintain safety and comfort for our clients. Certified midwives are trained and prepared to manage the rare cases of emergency with approved standard of practice protocols. In the event of a transfer to the hospital, the family will be continuously accompanied by the midwife, where she will collaborate with medical staff to provide necessary care.
Studies have shown that with healthy, low-risk pregnancies, planned out-of-hospital birth is as safe — and in some cases, safer — than hospital birth. Comprehensive and personal prenatal care, an informed, conscientious parent, along with excellent consultative obstetrical relationships, help ensure the safest passage of you and your baby.